Download Android L Keyboard APK for Kitkat Devices

Android L (5.0) launches with a new Google Keyboard. The new Google Keyboard, found in Android L developers preview, comes with a very modern look with a flatter theme. This new Google keyboard has been extracted from the Android L factory images that Google pushed for Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 to the developers, which means you can download Android L keyboard APK and flash-able .zip file.

google keyboard
If you’ve not installed the developers preview of Android L on your Nexus device, you can still try the new keyboard included in Android L, thanks to bejunk and asdfzz at XDA-Developers. The developer has managed to extract the Android L keyboard APK file along with the required library files and created a flash-able package for all the devices running Android Kitkat.

Download Android L Keyboard

Android L keyboard is also available for download both as an APK file and a flash-able .zip package. It’s said to be compatible with KitKat devices. Download links are here:

Download Android L Keyboard APK – [Link 1]
Download Android L Keyboard Flash-able .zip – [Link 1]

Install Android L keyboard

Here are the steps to install Android L keyboard with available files.

If you’ve Google keyboard already installed on your device, uninstall it. Also remove old keyboard’s .odex-files if there, or delete it from /system/app if present.

Install APK file

  1. Installing an APK file is pretty straight forward. Tap on the downloaded keyboard APK file and install it.

Note: APK file won’t install on Stock Nexus devices (no root), because Google keyboard is a system app and you cant uninstall it. Checkout: root Nexus 5 and root Nexus 7.

Install file

To install a flash-able .zip file, your device must be rooted and have a custom recovery installed. If you fulfill these requirements, installing Android L keyboard is pretty straight forward.

  1. Once you’ve downloaded the .zip package of the keyboard, copy it to your sdcard, reboot into recovery and flash it from there.
  2. Then wipe Delvik Cache and reboot.

If the automatic installation doesn’t work for you, you will have to manually install the keyboard. Here are the steps:

  1. Install Root Explorer.
  2. Extract the downloaded .zip file.
  3. Copy the LatinImeGoogle.apk to /system/app; long press on APK, choose change permissions, now make the ticks like in attached picture.
  4. Copy the to /system/lib; like above, long press, & change permissions.
  5. Reboot system into recovery and wipe Delvik cache. Reboot!

Once you’ve installed the Android L keyboard, go to Settings  and Activate Google keyboard. To enable Material theme (Introduced in Android L), go to Keyboard Settings > Advanced Settings > Color Scheme and select Material option.

android L keyboard

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